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Meet Our Clergy

Iris Evans Bjørnø

Lay Reader

(+47) 988 16 826

Iris has been a licensed Lay Reader in the Church of England for over 15 years, although she been a part of the congregation for over 30. She is a native of Wolverhampton, England where she served in a similar capacity as a local preacher in the Methodist Church. She relocated to Bergen after marrying her Norwegian husband, Per. 

P1010314 All Saints and Welcome Joanna.J

Revd Canon Joanna Udal

Senior Chaplain for Norway

Postal Address:

Saint Edmund's Church

c/o British Embassy

0244 Oslo

(+47) 226 92 214


Revd Joanna Udal is the Senior Chaplain for the Anglican Chaplaincy of Norway and for St Edmund's Church in Oslo.  After theological studies in Oxford and Geneva, she was ordained in the Diocese of London.  Much of her ministry has been spent serving in the wider Anglican Communion, particularly in Sudan and South Sudan, and in working towards Christian unity.


Learn more about Canon Joanna in "The love of Christ urges us on"

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