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The Anglican Chaplaincy serves English-speaking communities in four major cities across Norway as well as the village of Balestrand, and communities in Drammen and Tromsø. We are all part of the Diocese in Europe, which is part of the province of Canterbury in the Church of England.

Our Diocesan Bishop is the Rt Rev'd Dr. Robert Innes, and the posting of Suffragan Bishop is currently vacant.

The Senior Chaplain, based in Olso, is the Revd Canon Joanna Udal.


Chaplaincy Mission Statement

The Anglican Chaplaincy in Norway, through its commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ, seeks to respond to his call to be channels of God's reconciling love and power through:

  • Worship, celebration of the Sacraments and teaching of the Christian gospel.

  • Welcoming people from many lands and traditions into a caring, open, Christian fellowship.

  • Responding positively to human need locally and internationally.

  • Promoting justice, fair dealing and respect for God's creation.


Chaplaincy Environment Policy

The Anglican Chaplaincy in Norway is committed to caring for God's creation.  Read our policy here.


Chaplaincy Wardens, Barbara and Juliet, can be contacted at

For more information on other Anglican communities in Norway follow the links below:

Together (renamed from Outpost since Dec 2017), the magazine of the Anglican chaplaincy in Norway, is published every three months and is full of news from around the country. 

St. Olaf's Church,



In 1897 on the edge of beautiful Sognefjord, little St. Olaf's Church was built in an imitation stave church style by Knut Kvikne in memory of his English wife, Margaret Sophia Kvikne (1850-1894). Over many generations the elegant Kviknes Hotel has continued its support of the chapel, which draws visitors from around the world to the quaint town of Balestrand. If you visit, you may recognize the chapel's graphic motives as the inspiration for the chapel in Elsa's coronation scene in the 2013 Disney film Frozen!


From May to September, visiting Anglican priests are in residence and offer: 



10 am Holy Communion (finishes in time for 11:30 boat)

9 pm Evening Prayer/Compline



9pm Compline



9pm Holy Communion or Evening Prayer


The church is open daily from 9am - 9pm

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