Music in the Church is not entertainment or an extra - it’s a critical way that God disarms us and enables the Holy Spirit to speak amidst the clamor of our days.
The Bergen Anglican Church embraces the long, significant Anglican musical tradition with hymns, organ, and occasional choral accompaniment at its services. We sing from the British hymnal Hymns Ancient & Modern New Standard: Revised Edition.
Mariakirken boasts a beautiful new German Weimbs organ installed during the building's renovation in 2015, and we have a rota of volunteer organists who accompany our Sunday services. Roger Martin currently organizes the rota; please contact him if you are an experienced church organist who might be interested in supporting our congregation. ​​
We have a small a cappella choir that sings approximately once a month during Sunday morning services. The choir leads the congregation in a plainsong chant psalm and sings anthems by beloved composers in the Anglican choral tradition such as Tallis, Morley, Byrd, Purcell, Stainer, and Wood, and many others. Please check the Services page to see when the choir is next singing. We also have a YouTube playlist of others' recordings of upcoming and past repertoire. ​​
Christmas Choir
Every Advent, the Bergen Anglican Church offers two services of Lessons & Carols the weekend before Christmas. The Christmas Choir is open to anyone in the congregation and wider local community who enjoys singing and would like to take part in this beautiful English yuletide tradition. Rehearsals are once a week and begin in late autumn. Please email Roger Martin if you would like to be in the choir.